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Artists or Not: One Book We All Should Own

Do You Call Yourself an Artist?

We all have those moments where we feel like amateur artists, with our life the messy artwork we’ve been creating all along. These moments can either feel epic and revolutionary, motivating you to keep creating art and being positive, or they can come as a punch to the gut. 

Either can happen. 

Whatever is the case with you, I bet all of you will find a type of connection and resonance with this one book— Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon. 

Steal Like An Artist is an interactive, brief, handy book to go through whenever you are low on inspiration or need someone or something to show you the direction. 

The author writes about mainly ten things nobody had ever told you about being creative. In a world where people are supposed to be perfect, and art doesn’t get noticed very easily, this book is like a beacon of hope showing how light can be found even in those dark, gloomy, depressed places. 

And even those who think that they are doing something the wrong way, or they have no idea what’s lying ahead for them—even these people can look through the ten golden ideas being stated in this book, and find out something helpful for themselves. 

We All Are Artists

This book is not just for the people who spend their lives living art in the form of books, music, paintings, photographs, movies, etc. 

In a way we all are artists.  Because if we aren’t already, we should all be taking measures to live our life more creatively. We should let art define us. 

We should start being creative in everything we do—even if we’re just working our plain, old job in the plain, old office. We should bring enthusiasm in everything. 

For that purpose, this book provides a highly visual and eye-pleasing guide to all those secrets of unlocking your creativity you never got to know from anywhere else. 

We all are making something. Some time or the other, some place or the other, whoever we are, whatever we are doing, we all are always making something. 

It’s all a project. 

Some people make art (that’s the basic form). Some people make a job, make a company, make a living, make time, make a family, make health, make abs, make this, make that. 

But one thing we all have in common. 

We’re all making a life. 

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