Life is short, make it sweet.
Yeah, I know, it is hard. It is very hard to find out the positive meaning in life when you’re inclined more towards the pessimistic and the bad sideh, when you are kinda like me, who thinks her day’s probably wasted if she didn’t wake up on time and then immediately got to work.
Your dreams can come true.
Do you too think sometimes that nothing’s working out and you’d probably be better off alone and away where you didn’t have to carry so many responsibilities and burdens and anxieties? Do you too think that life’s a mess right now? Do you too have big dreams and at the same time wonder how can you make your dreams come true?
Your dreams can come true.
For the longest time all I felt was, I am going to achieve my dream. I’m gonna do it. No one can stop me. I’ll set my goals and achieve every single one of them.
Then I grew up.
Teenage happened.
The hopelessness of the world got to me. I was suddenly a little wary, wary of not remaining so little and so oblivious and so full of energy anymore. All I could think of now, was, how the heck am I going to achieve such a big dream, whatever mine is? How am I supposed to do such a gigantic deed, and soon, of all things?
I mean, everyone wants to get rich fast when they’re young and inexperienced. I do too.
I got desperate. I started worrying.
Your dreams can come true.
Now I was spending less time writing and more time worrying.
Have you ever started worrying for your dream, thinking that if you didn’t achieve it as soon as you could, you won’t be able to figure out what to do? You don’t have any other option other than this dream. You don’t know any other path. You’re dedicated to this goal for life.
Is that the case with you?
Don’t worry about letting yourself or anyone else down.
Your dreams can come true.
Life is beautiful and you’ve got time. Let me present some arguments to convince you.
Here’s a list for you, then, if you’re that kind of person too, who wants to learn how they can make their dreams come true. It’s possible. It’s real.
Your dreams can come true. (Do you also hear this voice in your head, appearing in between of these plain white text, telling you that your dreams can come true? I didn’t write it. It’s probably a sign from the universe 🙂
Table of Contents
Start getting real about what you want. And dedicate your time to it. They said it’s going to take 10,000 hours to achieve mastery in something that you are dedicated about. Spend 10,000 hours. Spend every single one of them working, showing resilience and focus in the way. Have patience.
Calculate how much time it is going to take to complete all the 10,000 hours. It might sometimes happen that it may happen slightly before completing 10,000 hours, or it might happen slightly after. Don’t lose hope. Don’t lose the vision.
Calculate how many years it’s going to take if you dedicate a fixed number of hours each day to your most important goal. Then prepare to work for that many number of years, non-stop.
Get real, okay? If you want this, take time out to get this.
Failures are necessary. Rejections are crucial. It’s very important for you to look at all the different scenarios and directions in which situations could go. It’s important for you to recognize the right moment and make less mistakes this time. Until you make none.
If you see obstacles, be resilient. If you see failures, rise up above them. Obstacles are the way. I’m in love with this quote.
If you had decided to start today, start today. Whether it’s a new habit, skill, kind of lifestyle, or hobby. If you had planned to start today, then do so. Even if you think it’s late, even if you think you might as well just do it tomorrow, even if you think it won’t help anymore, do it.
Start today.
Don’t put it off until tomorrow. Do it right now. You just have to start, just have to take the first step and you’ll watch it get easier and easier as you get the hang of it.
Your might be dedicated to the outcome, to the final goal, the result. That’s obvious. My brain is sometimes addicted to the outcome too. Sometimes I lose sight of the present and lose myself in the dreams of the future, fantasizing, imagining, overthinking.
But you need to know that unless you are not addicted to the present, to the process, you’re some day or the other going to get tired and lose sight of the end goal. You’re going to make countless efforts and see none of them bringing any plausible results (yet) and you don’t see where all of this is going. You think it’s all going to go down the drain.
It’s not. Hard work pays off. Some day or the other, it does.
Life is too short to be anything but happy. And present.
I might not be the most consistent person in terms of studying mathematics or keeping up with my health and exercise (I miss my exercising habit five times a week). And I honesty couldn’t care less about it, well, maybe a little about the health bit.
But one thing you actually should always strive to do to improve yourself, is to constantly learn more and more things about your niche, to invest in skills and knowledge more.
It isn’t about getting rich or getting famous above everyone else. It isn’t about about toxic over-confident ego that feasts on seeing other people below you. It’s about serving others. It’s about serving the society and striving to actually add some value to it rather than make it worse off for others.
It’s about showing up every day to do the damn work because you like it, not because someone’s forcing you or someone’s counting on you or someone’s challenging you. It’s about doing the work because you love doing the work. Because you know that hard work pays off, but not because you actually care that much about the results. You just want to be rich because you want to help society. You just want to be famous because you want your message to reach more people and you want people to get inspired by you and then themselves strive to change their lives and help others. It’s a chain recation, you know. You help someone, they help someone else.
It’s beautiful. It’s about believing that your dreams can come true if you make them to and if your why is genuine and your how is powerful, your what doesn’t matter that much in this case.
Whatever you do, never give up.
Friendly Reminder: Your Dreams Can Come True
You might sometimes feel downcast because you look at all the long way you’ve got to go.
You feel overwhelmed. It’s getting out of your hand. You’ve lost your way.
But whenever you feel like this, just look at all the way you’ve come. You’ve come such a long, long way.
It’s amazing all that you have achieved. People admire you for your dedication. You inspire them. And you’re still working towards your goal, unstoppable, without fear. You persevere for the things you want.
You’re doing fine. You’re doing more than fine.
You’re doing amazing. Just never lose sight of the goal. Focus on the twenty-four hours right in front of you. Do your best in them. Win the day. Master the little moments. Celebrate the little milestones. Life is short, make it sweet.
Your dreams are coming true. You’re building a life, you’re building a future. The universe is conspiring to give you every wish you’ve ever spoken out. Good luck, and remember that however lost you might feel, if you’re got the fire in your heart, dedication in your mind, goodness in your actions, your dreams can come true.
Want to read more, learn how to actually get life under control and reclaim your lost grip? You’ll love the next post: How to Get Your Life Back Together (After Having Lost Your Way)? Sign up for our email list to get notified.
P.S. Life is short. Make the most of it.