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If You Want to Change the World, Have the Obsession

If you want to change the world, you probably shouldn’t.

That’s one way to look at it.

If you want to change the world blog post. A post on changing the world.

That’s what everyone says, right? You tell someone when you’re a kid that you want to change the world when you grow up, and they look at you in part-amusement and part-sympathy. That’s nice, honey, they say. But you can’t change the world. Just change yourself, okay?

You can’t change the world. One person cannot change the world. Changing the World is a dream of the foolish dreamers who spend all night awake in their bed staring at the ceiling and hoping they’ll catch a glimpse of the universe. (example, me).

Changing the world is impossible.

Well, here’s to you: I’ve always come across those kinds of people who say that one person cannot change the world, one person can’t make a difference.

And I think, on the other hand, that it’s the individuals themselves who end up changing the world at the end of the day, if we look at it.

We’re all a part of a crowd, going on and about our daily routines, indifferent and uninterested in our surroundings or the lives of the ones next to us, until one day someone comes along—someone extraordinary. They have an idea, a philosophy, an ideology; they seem to know what they want and what the others want.

They are here to make a change.

One Man Can Change The World

By now, and if you’ve been reading my past blog posts about changing the world, you must’ve already realised that I’m a big believer of change. Like, heck yeah. I am. Huge fan.

I’m all in for a change, because I do find that the world needs to reform its old ways and find new purpose and new ways of life now.

Photo by NastyaSensei from Pexels

The world can be changed, you know. I can’t explain why I feel that, and that’s the main reason no one believes me when I tell any of the people around me about it, but I do think that there must be some method, some mystery hidden in the universe that specifies how actual change is brought.

Most of us are just too discouraged to actually act for the change. We constantly, endlessly, tirelessly consume too much information and details and it feels to me sometimes that my senses are either all active all the time or all asleep, and thus I end up frequently getting either overwhelmed with the way things are or not feeling anything at all.

That’s when the need to change is brought in. You see something wrong, you get upset over it, you mop around for some time, then you get up to change the way it is.

That’s essentially how change is brought. I think it is the only way a change is brought. You want to break an old bad habit, you take notice of what it is, its triggers, your reactions, etc, and then you realise that this is not good for you, so you get up and change.

And it’s not just that one man can change the world. One woman, one person can change the world too. (It’s just that the old people considered men the default for everything.)

And the thing is, that it’s exactly the ordinary people who change the world. And guess what, you can learn how to be one of those people who actually end up changing the world, because I’ve got the thing for you, Everyone Thinks of Changing the World. How to Be The One Who Actually Does?

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

If You Want to Change The World…

…you should probably work harder than the rest. Like, be obsessed. Be fricking obsessed with the process.

That’s the other way to look at it. The perfect way to look at it. If you want to change the world, it’s best to prepare yourself for it by working extremely hard. And smart. Remember that smart work is important, probably more so than the hard work.

If I could change the world, I wouldn’t hesitate.

That’s true, right now, I do hesitate. And it’s frustrating, knowing that what you’re doing, this whole, big, blod series thingy, it might end up becoming big and famous, or it might also end up turning into a failure because people won’t like it enough, or they’ll think I’m crazy, or worse, a hypocrite.

I can’t decide what’s actually going on with this blog post, but the one thing I know for sure is that I am hesitating. And I’m scared. That’s probably all you should, as a reader, get to know about. (Credibility is a thing nowadays, yeah).

You know that one question that’s going around the internet and I don’t know what it is, but just that it makes me think.

What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?

What’s that thing that holds your heart so passionately?

Well, here’s the answer. I would change the world. You probably already guessed that.

No, honestly, I would. I would change the world. Even if it’s something I’m still doing right now, nonetheless, because I believe in it. I believe in myself. I believe in this process. I believe in change.

So, here’s the question for you: what would you do if you knew that you could not fail?

Think about this. Just have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself, right? Just so you know that your mind and your heart are on the same page and all.

Must be a reason, right? Why we all do the things we do?

I want the world changed. You want to do whatever you wished for when you were younger or were gong through adversity. We all have our dreams. If we are not able to complete them in reality, we end up wishing we could change the reality and make a better world in which we’ll be allowed to chase our dreams fearlessly. And not just us, we wish to create a world in which everyone can chase their dreams freely.

This happens often, if not always. Sometimes changing the world is a means to an end, sometimes it’s an end in itself. Sometimes you require it to gain some other, higher-need thing. Sometimes its exactly what you had begun to look for.

At the end of rhe day, whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever we do, like iron flecks are drawn to a piece of magnet, we always end up dreaming about changing the world.

If you want to change the world, good luck.

If you want to change the world, be obsessed blog promo.

So Change the World

Yeah, so change the world, even in a little way, a very miniscule, tiny way. Even if it only helps one person, even if it doesn’t make you feel proud of yourself just yet, even if you fail in the way, even if you are tired and disheartened, even if nothing is working out.

Just try. Change the world. Today. Follow your dreams. Make them become real.

Act. Don’t worry. Love with all your heart. Let go of the past. Welcome the future. Laugh loudly. Help someone. Make someone (that can include yourself too) happy.

The little efforts day in and day out change the world too, you know.

If you want to change the world, here’s a manifesto for you: to motivate yourself when you’re down.

What do we primarily, basically, ordinarily mean by changing the world? Leaving the world better off than how we found it? Doing something great to leave our imprint behind? Encouraging? Inspiring? Educating?

That’s what we do, try to educate, inspire, encourage people to break free from societal bonds and expectations to make their own life portfolio look grand and amazing.

Break through the ceiling. Fly high from the ground, don’t let yourself get stuck in the ordinariness trap. Let yourself be extraordinary. Forget mediocre. Be legendary.

Think. Dream. Act. Enjoy. Be here to risk it. Go all in.

Smile. Love. Feel. Heal. Experience everything deep in your heart.

One shot at life. One chance.

Change the world.

-A Manifesto to Change the World

And remember that all throughout the way, if you really desire this, if you really want to change the world, then you probably should. No matter what anyone says about it, no matter how impossible people call it.

That desire has been put within you for a reason. It’s your calling to act upon it, to do good for someone, to serve others, to be great in whatever task you are doing. To enjoy yourself, to smile and feel happy memories when you’ll be gone.

Want to have companionship in your journey of changing the world. Have access to this extensive blog series My Formula for Changing the World.

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Thanks for reading.

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