This is going to be short. Let me help you organize and utilize your days a little bit better.
I’ll Hack Your To-Do List
Imagine this:
You’re sleeping peacefully at night under your comforter after just having written down your to-do list for tomorrow and you’re absolutely sure that you’re going to nail it this time, tick off every single item off it.
Congrats, for that beautiful daydream.
While you’re sleeping, I’ll just sneak into your room—relax I’m not going to watch you while you sleep, and instead of that, I’ll hack your to-do list for tomorrow.
Very simple.
I’ll erase all the items off it and then leave it there so that when you wake up the next day you look at it and wonder what happened to your notes—or did you just dream of writing them up yesterday?
Anyway, there, I did it. Hacked your to-do list.
I’ll do it everyday.
Because I don’t want you to make a to-do list. Here’s what I want you to do instead. Learn how to organize your life like I organize this post.
Table of Contents
The Substitute to a To-Do List
a.k.a. The Real Answer to How to Organize Your Life
If you’re struggling too to finish off your to-do list, or even accomplish half of the items on it, you’re my new bestie.
Either my to-do lists are way above standards and I expect just too much, or I’m actually really incompetent.
Because I can’t get my to-do list completely done. Ever.
Here’s what I’ve started doing now.
I don’t wake up every morning and get to work starting from the first item on my to-do list. Instead of that, I just wring it.
To say it better, I just do whatever I want to do.
Whatever the vibe, I do it. I don’t think it over again and again. I don’t ponder endlessly about what I should be doing or if this is a right time to do this, or if I should delegate this task, or if I should do it while listening to a podcast because it doesn’t require much focus. I can’t help but multitasking, all the time, that’s a funfact about me. I always want to cram things up.
And then I wondering which two or more tasks to pair together for the multi-tasking activity.
And before I know it, it’s already afternoon. Then evening. Then, you know…goodnight.
I didn’t get half of the things done. I’m always thinking which task to do first, and I hope I’m not the only one. (Besties for life, remember? I told you at the beginning. Whatever troubles me will follow you too).
The moment I start thinking that my to-do list is going alright, that I’m on track, I lose focus. I binge a show or get bored or have to study or just sit around and sulk.
That’s why, I need a have-done list.
(You don’t need to laugh).
A Have-Done List v/s A To-Do List
A have-done list is made at the end of the day, contrary to the to-do lost which is either made in the morning or the night before.
You make the have-done list stating all the big and the little things you did that day that make you feel some kind of achievement and help you sleep at night. Whatever floats your boat.
You tell yourself, or rather show yourself what all great things you did today and this motivates you to just keep making longer and longer have-done lists, which obviously means that you get more work done per day.
So instead of looking at the empty boxes in your to-do list and feeling disappointed and down-hearted, you look at all the things you did that day and feel some sense of success at having a productive and enjoyable day, because you didn’t just sit around and do nothing—you actually got things done. Even if just to having a heavier record of the tasks you accomplished, but it’s there, right, the proof’s there.
It’s playing with your psychology, making you believe that you’re doing the right way when you are. You’ll just realise it, you’ll think, today was nice. And productive. And I felt good about myself, regardless of what big or small task I did. I did something.
That counts.
Try this someday.
Tell me how it goes.
Check out more!
13 Ways How to Get Your Life Back Together (After Losing Your Way)
7 Beautiful Mantras: Life is Short & Your Dreams Can Come True
5 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Unmotivated (& How to Make a Breakthrough).