How to Fall in Love with Life? A Manifesto

The secret of how to fall in love with life is to not think about it. So once you’ve read this completely, do me a favor and don’t think about it.

How to Fall in love with life.

The moment you start consciously taking steps to be happy, happiness becomes less of a natural state of being and more of a faraway destination that you have to work to achieve.

How to Fall in Love with Life?

Here’s the truth: trying to be happy or trying to fall in love with life takes the magic away from it.

Now that we are talking about magic, let me begin by telling you how to find magic in life, the kind of magic I found that day on November 3 at 6:34 a.m. when I had to wake up at 6:00 a.m. but overslept and then got up half an hour later to stumble to my desk in the dark to see fairy lights strewn around the work of my life. And I took a photo.

This is how you find magic.

If you oversleep, don’t worry about it. When life gets kind of monotonous, go get a haircut. Shake it up, you know. When you are lost and in the dark, burn scented candles. Don’t think.

Just take a moment to imagine how short life is and how blessed you are to be born in this exact moment with all the people you love.

I mean, Universe must have some pretty great things in store for you, right? Something beautiful is definitely waiting.

That being established, try manifesting again. But manifesting doesn’t mean giving it all up and forgetting you have a purpose on this earth too. Manifestation isn’t about surrendering your purpose, please don’t be under that misguidance. It’s all about aligning with it. So create. Create. Create. Iterate.

Solve a problem and document it. Share it with the world.

And for God’s sake, don’t worry. You don’t need to.

Your soulmate is out there and so is your calling. How can you not have a purpose in life. You might be confused but this confusion never lasts forever.

You thought you wanted to fall in love with life. Have you found the magic yet?

Binge a show on Netflix without feeling guilty. And more, make sure the show makes you cry at the end.

Solve crosswords. Learn to play Experience by Ludovico Einaudi on the violin. Break the E# string (and trust me, you will) and try to fix it yourself before deciding a professional would be a better choice. Study game theory and solve puzzles. Get an unofficial degree from YouTube. Heck, if you’re into it, just go fricking study C++ and design a game that’ll sell for millions. Write something.

That’s how I found my magic. That’s how I find magic everyday. Every single day.

Falling in love with life.

Speak up. Give a presentation even if you’re nervous. Don’t overthink about it until the last minute, until you’ve got not choice but to just go ahead and get on with it. Stop rehearsing every little detail. Just deliver. You’ll be surprised by how often things turn out to be fine. Let’s see how it goes. Some people might be more nervous than you. Here you are doubting yourself when a dozen others are intimidated of your potential.

Just count your blessings, and keep counting—your strengths, achievements, pros, wins, likes. Just keep counting, keep creating, iterating.

Learn a language. Then learn another.

You know what, it doesn’t matter, take a day off and get bored. Someone has popularized hustle culture so much that it feels like work and worry is all you gotta do in a given day, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I used to think along the same lines. But look where that got me. Burnout. Not once, multiple times.

At one point, it felt like burnout was something that just followed this hustle period, this intensity was supposed to lead to all these weeks of distress, inactivity, hopelessness.

So you can take a day off, sometimes, you’re not the president of the country. Just relax, you know. Stepping away for one and prioritizing yourself above all feels revolutionary when you do it the right way.

This is where it all comes together, as I’m talking about all the things I was doing instead of actively trying to fall in love with life. That’s the whole point, though. You don’t think about it. It just happens in the quiet moments when you stop chasing and start noticing.

So, about falling in love with life, there’s just this one thing to remember—don’t think about it. Just let it be. Don’t think. Let yourself flow. Definitely don’t overthink. Always live in the moment. This moment in the present is all that exists.

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